Join the Region 4 Midwest Genetics Network for a new Continuing Education Learning Activity on “Improving Care for Developmental Disabilities & Dysmorphic Features”
This activity is a multi-state virtual learning collaborative to connect clinicians and their clinic staff interested in improving performance, documentation, and follow-up (including referrals and genetic testing) on screening for developmental disabilities and dysmorphic features in pediatric primary care clinics.
This activity can be finished in 4 months and has been approved for 25-Pediatric MOC4 points, 20-Family Medicine Performance Improvement points, 3.25 – Pediatric or Internal Medicine MOC2 credits and has been approved for a maximum of 3.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. There is no charge for participation in this HRSA-funded project.
Live Virtual Learning Collaborative (VLC) Presentations will take place as follows:
- 9/15/22 from 1:00-1:45 pm EST – Developmental Screening at Well Child Visits, 10-35 months by Miriam Behar, MD
- 10/5/22 from 1:00-1:45 pm EST – The Pediatric Genetics Evaluation: What to Expect by Sara Zoran, MS, CGC & Jessica A. Scott Schwoerer, MD
- 11/3/22 from 1:00-2:00 pm EST – Dysmorphology 101: A Introduction to Dysmorphology by Susan A. Berry, MD
- 12/1/22 from 1:00-1:45 pm EST – Introduction to Commonly Recommended Genetic Tests by Sara Zoran, MS, CGC & Jessica A. Scott Schwoerer, MD
Register Now:
Registration opens August 11, 2022 and closes for MOC4/ABFMPI credit on 10/5/22. Registration will close for CME participation on 12/1/22.
Direct any questions about this learning opportunity to MGN’s new email inbox
Read the full article at: