Banner of Genetics in WI website


The Genetics in Wisconsin website is an online resource for non-genetic healthcare professionals to help them care for patients and families who are affected, or possibly affected, with a genetic condition. While some of the content on this site is specific to Wisconsin, much of the information will be relevant to providers across the United States.

Staff from the Wisconsin Genetic Systems Integration (GSI) Initiative develop and manage the information on this website. The GSI Initiative is based out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Waisman Center.

Genetic Services Overview

This website contains information and resources to support health care providers as they care for patients with a genetic concern, from referral to ongoing management.

genetic services overview

CME Opportunity - Decoding Genetic Test Reports for the Frontline Clinician

A free, enduring, online educational opportunity that prepares participants to interpret genetic test reports. Participants will learn how to:

  • Define basic genetic terms and concepts relating to genetic test reports including variant classification
  • Differentiate between genetic test reports obtained through multiple models
  • Identify whether genetic test results are diagnostic and clinically actionable
  • Identify provider resources

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Ask an Expert

Need guidance on how to support a patient with a potential genetic concern?

The GSI Initiative's certified genetic counselor is here to help.

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