Health care professionals with a range of training and specialization are emerging as providers of medical genetics services. These professionals include nurses, advanced practice nurses and physician assistants.
The key roles of these healthcare professionals often overlap with genetic counselors and medical geneticists.
Medical genetics education is transforming rapidly to broadly integrate genetics into clinical care. Educational standards and practice-based competencies across disciplines continue to evolve.
Advanced Practice Nurses
Certified advanced practice nurses in genetics must have a master’s-level degree in nursing, 300 hours of genetic practicum experience, and 50 hours of genetic content in academic courses or continuing education in the past 5 years.
Registered nurses with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited nursing program can become certified genetics clinical nurses by submitting a portfolio to the Genetic Nursing Credentialing Commission (a subsidiary of the International Society of Nurses in Genetics [ISONG]) with 5 years of genetic nursing practice, a log of 50 genetics cases, four written case studies, 45 hours of genetic content in academic courses or continuing education, and evidence of patient, family, or client teaching.
International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG) – What Is a Genetic Nurse?
Physician assistants
Physician assistants must demonstrate clinical competencies for genetics and genomics.