The Future of Clinical Genetics Services
A Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach
The traditional clinical genetics team focuses on diagnosis of genetic disorders and the wider implications for the individual and their extended family. Scientific and technologic discoveries are constantly transforming our understanding of genetic and genomic disorders and impacting the whole of healthcare. Genetic services will likely integrate into all areas of clinical practice. Effective and sustainable integration will require a fluid, flexible and adaptive approach which utilizes a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals.
- Discuss expectations and possible outcomes of genetics visit with patient/family
- Collaborate on long-term management
- Evaluate, diagnose and provide management recommendations and referrals
- Educate primary care providers on specific conditions, prognosis and treatment
- Assess and communicate individual or family risk for genetic conditions
- Educate patients, their families and other healthcare providers
- Support and complement care provided by the genetic counselor or medical geneticist
- Perform diagnostic testing for inherited and acquired genetic disorders
- Provide education and diet-based treatment plans to individuals with inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) and their families