About Us

Genetic Systems Integration (GSI) Initiative

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The Genetic Systems Integration (GSI) Initiative aims to reduce disparities and improve access to genetics services in Wisconsin. Based out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Waisman Center, our staff work in partnership with Wisconsin Maternal & Child Health (MCH) programs and other state and regional genetics stakeholders to strengthen systems of care.

The GSI Initiative is an information resource for MCH programs and genetic and non-genetic healthcare providers in Wisconsin. Ways this information is disseminated include:

  • The Wisconsin Genetics Exchange, an annual statewide professional development conference
  • Genetics continuing education modules
  • This Genetics in Wisconsin website

Ongoing activities of the GSI Initiative are supported by a MCH Title V Services Block Grant, Maternal & Child Health Bureau (MCHB), Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Division of Public Health.

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Wisconsin Genetics Stakeholder Group

The GSI Initiative supports the activities and efforts of the Wisconsin Genetics Stakeholder Group, comprised of statewide genetics healthcare professionals and stakeholders.  This group met for the first time in September 2022 to identify key genetic service needs and issues in the state and identify strategies and resources to collaboratively address them. Work groups were created in three areas to advance efforts: Newborn Screening, Policy and Workforce.  Please contact Sara Zoran if you would like to know more or become involved.

GSI Initiative Team

Nicole Brys

Credentials: MPH

Position title: Communication Coordinator

Sara Zoran

Credentials: MS, CGC

Position title: Genetic Counselor, GSI Initiative Coordinator